Bite Me! Food Week
Cafe X
Campus Cookbooks
Campus Potager
Chirps for Thought
City Farm School
Co-op CultivAction
Concordia Farmers Market
Concordia Food Coalition
Concordia Greenhouse
Concordia Pollinators Project
Concordia Transitions Conference
Cooking at Concordia
Coopérative des Brasseurs Illuminés
Enuf / Waste Not, Want Not
Food Against Fascism
Food Autonomy Campaign (FAC)
Food Memories Collective Kitchen
G Lounge
Gros Smood
Hamidou Horticulture
Heartbeet Community Farm /Hudson Landtrust Project
Hive Cafe Solidarity Coop
Hive Free Lunch
Le Frigo Vert
Loyola Greenhouse
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
People’s Potato
Sankofa Farms
Season Jars
Sprouting Minds
Tia Cafe
VermiCycle Concordia
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard

SOCIAL: @mohubbsCU
WEBSITE: Motherhubbs
ADDRESS: Formally at 2090 Mackay Room Z 105
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard was a $2 vegan meal served on Thursdays out of the Multi-faith & Spirituality Centre. In 2018, the Concordia Food Coalition took over the operations of Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard and merged it with their Program Food Memories Collective Kitchen. They continued to serve a weekly $2 meal, but the evening of the serving moved from Thursday to Monday. Since the Pandemic the project has been on hiatus.
News Articles
- Fringe Food – Gather ‘Round the Table
The Link | October 21, 2011 | Josh Davidson - Q & A – Ellie Hummel and Arianne Shaffer
The Concordian | November 8, 2006 - Book fair raises funds for the Emergency Food Bank
The Concordian | September 28, 2005 - Not a single empty cupboard in this house
The Concordian| December 4, 2002