Bite Me! Food Week
Cafe X
Campus Cookbooks
Campus Potager
Chirps for Thought
City Farm School
Co-op CultivAction
Concordia Farmers Market
Concordia Food Coalition
Concordia Greenhouse
Concordia Pollinators Project
Concordia Transitions Conference
Cooking at Concordia
Coopérative des Brasseurs Illuminés
Enuf / Waste Not, Want Not
Food Against Fascism
Food Autonomy Campaign (FAC)
Food Memories Collective Kitchen
G Lounge
Gros Smood
Hamidou Horticulture
Heartbeet Community Farm /Hudson Landtrust Project
Hive Cafe Solidarity Coop
Hive Free Lunch
Le Frigo Vert
Loyola Greenhouse
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
People’s Potato
Sankofa Farms
Season Jars
Sprouting Minds
Tia Cafe
VermiCycle Concordia
Coopérative des Brasseurs Illuminés

SOCIAL: @brasseursillumines
WEBSITE: Formally
ADDRESS: Permanently closed.
Co-operative des Brasseurs Illumines, started in 2014 as a working group of the Concordia Food Coalition. They specialize in beer brewing and educating folks on making their own beer. They primarily brewed at Burritoville and for a short time had partnerships with other Breweries. For a while they provided beer on tap at Reggie’s and Burritoville, however for the majority of their operations they focused on educating individuals on brewing home beer (Source: Chevrier, Erik 2022).
How Cooking at Concordia Contributes to Sustainability on Campus

Arrien Weeks on Cooking at Concordia’s Strenths

Arrien Weeks on the Value Cooking at Concordia Brings to the Concordia Community

News Articles
- Anti-Consumerism Week Coming to Concordia
The Link | Hélène Bauer | February 8, 2016 - The hops, hoops and hurdles of microbreweries
- The Concordian | March 10, 2015 |Alison Bertho
- Reggie’s to Open in September
- The Link | February 22, 2015 | Michelle Pucci
- Concordia Co-op will quench your crafty thirst
The Concordian | September 16, 2014 | Robin Stanford - CSU to Fund Burritoville Coop
The Link | April 14, 2015 | Josh Fischlin