Bite Me! Food Week
Cafe X
Campus Cookbooks
Campus Potager
Chirps for Thought
City Farm School
Co-op CultivAction
Concordia Farmers Market
Concordia Food Coalition
Concordia Greenhouse
Concordia Pollinators Project
Concordia Transitions Conference
Cooking at Concordia
Coopérative des Brasseurs Illuminés
Enuf / Waste Not, Want Not
Food Against Fascism
Food Autonomy Campaign (FAC)
Food Memories Collective Kitchen
G Lounge
Gros Smood
Hamidou Horticulture
Heartbeet Community Farm /Hudson Landtrust Project
Hive Cafe Solidarity Coop
Hive Free Lunch
Le Frigo Vert
Loyola Greenhouse
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard
People’s Potato
Sankofa Farms
Season Jars
Sprouting Minds
Tia Cafe
VermiCycle Concordia
Bite Me! Food Week

Bite Me! Started in 2013, as an annual week-long popular education event series that took place in September as part of orientation, hosted by the Concordia Food Coalition. The aim of the week was to provide students and the community with knowledge about food politics and the tools to change the Food System at Concordia and beyond. It has typically consisted of a combination of workshops, lectures, and experiential learning opportunities related to food politics, food security, and food sovereignty on campus and in our communities. As one of our major education and awareness projects, the CFC hosted the annual “Bite Me! Food Week” to introduce both new and returning students to food politics in their university and city. The event aimed to cover a diversity of food-related topics from campus-specific issues that directly affect Concordia students, to wider national food security issues and everything in between.
Themes included:
• Agro-industry and climate change
• Genetically-modified organisms and its repercussions
• Social movements around food security
• Defining food sovereignty on campus
• Gentrification and food deserts in our cities
• Community development through urban agriculture
• Intersections between feminism and food security
• Acknowledging animal rights in our food system
• DIY workshops (e.g. cooking, canning, etc.)
Since 2020, the Concordia Food Coalition has moved away from spearheading such intensive week-long educational events and is focusing on smaller educational events spread out throughout the year.