Food System Special Project Funding

The CSU Food System Special Project Funding is a grant for predominantly student run organizations on Concordia’s campuses which are focused on contributing to a sustainable food system at Concordia.
Food Systems projects must include educating the community on food justice, food politics, and/or opportunities to improve our current food system as one of its goals.

How to Apply

For full details visit
To apply visit
You can contact if you have questions

Sustainability Committee Funding Application

To support events, projects, and initiatives that center sustainability as it relates to social, economic, and/or environmental justice.

Concordia undergraduate students are prioritized, but the fund is also open to graduate students, staff, faculty, and external community members. Student groups and associations must demonstrate in their supporting documents that they have already applied to relevant special project funds.

Projects may be awarded up to $1,000. Funding is generally provided in the form of expense reimbursements; original receipts are required for all requisitioned expenditures.

To Apply

Not set deadline. Applications are accepted throughout the year, but should be submitted as far in advance as possible. For questions, or to schedule a meeting about a project proposal, please email the CSU Sustainability Coordinator (

Community Action Fund

This fund is designed to grant funding to both on and off-campus initiatives or organizations aligned with the CSU Positions Book, and to accommodate costs needed by a Concordia University undergraduate student association in the case of a binding strike mandate voted by said association. Special attention shall be made to prioritize funding to initiatives organized by and advocating for Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, and other marginalized groups, as well as initiatives and organizations demonstrating scarce access to funding.

How to Apply

This varies on the stream you are applying for. There are 3 types of funding accessible through the CSU Community Action Fund: Strike, Project, and Operational Grant.

Application Deadline: The Committee meets on a monthly basis. The 15th of each month is the cutoff date for Project and Operational Grant applications.

CSU Special Project Grants

The CSU has an annual fund of some $20,000 allocated for special-project funding. The CSU Finance Committee meets from time to time throughout the year, at which points special-project applications are considered. The CSU does not specify particular deadlines or award amounts, and awards are disbursed as funds allow. Applicants need to submit a project proposal and budget to the CSU’s Vice President Finance. For more information, please visit the CSU’s website.

One Percent Sustainability Action Fund (SAF) Special Project Grants (INACTIVE)

The SAF makes two special-project disbursements per year, totaling $80,000 in funding, to support sustainable initiatives and to “build a culture of sustainability on campus.” Evaluation criteria are quite specific, and project reporting from successful recipients is required. 

To Apply: Please visit the SAF website for more information.

Sustainability Living Labs Funding Program (SLLFP) (INACTIVE)

The Sustainability Action Fund, Concordia University and the Concordia Student Union are collaborating to provide the Sustainability Living Lab Funding Program. In 2022/2023 the program will fund up to $130,000 annually in collaborative student, faculty, and/or staff sustainability projects that bring us closer to achieving the goals outlined in Concordia’s Sustainability Action Plan. Full details here.

Concordia University Small Grants Program (INACTIVE)

The Concordia University Small Grants Program (CUSGP) provides up to $1,000 in financial support to full- or part-time students, on a competitive basis, towards special projects meeting the criteria listed below. Funding requests are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Special projects fund

The Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL) makes funds available to support projects that enhance or contribute to the quality of student life at Concordia. Events, projects or initiatives that enhance student life are ones that seek to positively raise awareness or engage the student body in a social, political, educational or cultural context. The fund is designed to support innovative and unique activities rather than the on-going operating expenses of student groups and initiatives; after all, it is a special projects fund.

To Apply

Deadlines in the fall and winter semester: October and February annually

Empowering Youth Program

For youth-led projects, including one of the organizers must be a refugee, a newcomer or identify as an Indigenous person. Offering grants of up to $5000. Partnership with the Concordia Refugee Centre.

Click here to apply